Kamus Jawa Kuna

Untuk mengkaji teks-teks Sunda kuna seringkali diperlukan perbandingan maupun rujukan dari kosakata bahasa Jawa kuna. Laman ini berisi tautan (link) untuk Old Javanese-English Dictionary yang disediakan oleh sealang.org dan dapat diakses secara bebas.

About the Old Javanese-English Dictionary

The Old Javanese-English Dictionary, by P.J. Zoetmulder with the assistance of S.O. Robson (1982, KITLV), provided the first authoritative lexical reference and extensive corpus of pre-modern Javanese literature and inscriptions and revolutionized the field of Old Javanese studies.

Zoetmulder began work in 1950, after accepting the position of Chair of Old Javanese at Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta.  He did not have ready access to the major manuscript collections in Bali, Jakarta, and Leyden, and was obliged to rely on romanized copies for the major part of his unpublished sources.  Even after accepting this impediment to “scholarly perfection” he lamented that at the time I did not foresee that it would take thirty years to complete the task (Preface). 

With the collaboration of Robson (beginning in 1972), Zoetmulder stayed the course.  As it stands, the OJED contains more than 25,500 headword entries, more than 18,000 subheads, nearly 8,500 indications of Sanskrit origin, and over 105,000 corpus citations from more than 120 identified sources. 

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Ilham Nurwansah

Admin Kairaga.com. Tulisan-tulisannnya dimuat di surat kabar dan majalah. Ilham sering diundang sebagai pemateri seminar maupun workshop tentang naskah dan aksara Sunda. Selain itu, ia juga merupakan pemerhati naskah dan aksara Nusantara dalam dunia digital. Baca juga tulisan-tulisannya yang lain di blog inurwansah.my.id.

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